Monday, 24 December 2012

BOW AND ARROWS! (and me going away, ect.)

Everyone. Something amazing has happened today. 
Every Jammer, Big and Small, has received the legendary bow and arrows. No joke. 

I have to say, I'm in shock. This item is just so rare. They made a golden bow as an epic wonder. Every time you go to Township, people are begging for these. I knew Christmas Eve gift was going to be special, but THIS??? Wow. All the servers were full of people getting there bow.

Next thing I know, all the names and how full it was disapeered. I was lucky to snap a screen shot of this.
I clicked on one of them and it stated 

This is bitter sweet. I am happy for all the new Jammers that were searching and searching for bows, but then there are people like me, who enjoyed having this as a rare item. And worse, those who traded everything the had for a bow.

However, the bows are in different colours and are not rare. Can't complain about that!

Also, it is not only Christmas Eve, but a Monday!
Todays rare item is...

Hmmm.... there isn't one. I guess the bow and arrow itself is the rare item! 
Also, I found a major glitch with the servers.

Or is it a glich? Did Animal jam juts have so many people that they had to make more, but didn't have to make new names?
But then the next thing I knew all the names and how full it was dissapered. I was creepy.

I choose one of the blank servers, and it stated to load normally. But then after 30 seconds this popped up.

Ok then? I feel like this all has something to do with the bow and arrow.
Anyway, I finnaly feel like this blog is becoming big.
Today I once I finnaly got passed the server problem, I found 40 friend requests in my mail box.

I am really sorry everyone who sent those to me, but I didn't except any of them. Having so many buddy requests is a blessing. Really. I love knowing that I have some fans out there, but I really do not want to hurt you guys by having to delete someone I met. So I made a policy; anyone I meet from the blog, will automatically be my buddy. If I check my buddy list and see that they have not been on for over 30 days, I will delete them. As for the Jam-A-Grams, I will except every 33rd person. (33 is my favourite number.) So if I get 33, I will except the last one. If I get 66, I will except the last one and the 33rd one. If I get, say, 49, I will except the 33rd one. See what I am getting at here? The point is, you wanna be the 33rd person to buddy me. Simple as that. Also, the rule that if you have not been on for over 30 days applies to everyone. Does that seem fair? I hope it does. I just do not want a million people who rarely go on anymore on my buddy list when I could have people who go on everyday and really want to meet me. 

Also, I will not be posting in till January ninth. I will be leaving on Vacation on boxing day, and with tomorrow being Christmas, I will be to busy to Post. But you can still go on an read my other posts, like the Alpha Christmas storie. And I hate to tell you this about the story, but it will not be done by Christmas. Yeah I will be really busy. I have a Christmas party today and packing to do today, Christmas tomorrow and and a vacation after that. (I am going to Hawaii.) I thought that it would be better to finish the story then to abandon it, and really, does it matter if I finish after Christmas? It will be better anyway, because I will not be rushing to get it done. I can also work on it on the plane, so I can post it right when I get back.

I am really sorry to deliver such bad news, but I am a real person, not a robot and I do have a life. Also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment. I do not get that many view, since this is just starting up, but the whole friend request thing shows that I do have some people on my blog.

See you on the ninth!

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