Thursday 17 January 2013

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Hi! The Jamaa journal is hot of the press! Here it is, front to back.
 Hatapalooza! Cool name. And rare hats? I wonder if they will sell the fox hat soon...?
 Awesome! The three hat stores are...

 Sarpeia Forest which sells these hats....
Mount Shiveer which sells these hats...
And the last one you would of never expected! 
The canyons pathway, which sells these hats...
No rare hats today, but maybe soon! Check store daily to see if there is a rare hat.
 A hat contest!? Nice. Cant wait to enter!
Birthstones! That sounds cool. My birthstone is the EMERALD, for May.

Congrats to all the winners of Liza's animal contest! I was not among the finalists, but I submitted my horse as a sheep with a sheepdog.
I know that is not all that is new, but I really have to go now. Sorry and bye!

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